Showing posts with label HEALTHY AND NATURAL MEDICINE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTHY AND NATURAL MEDICINE. Show all posts

Monday, 30 May 2016

Quit the habit of smoking is not an easy thing. The smokers also know how hard it is. You should try to smoke electrically or even suggestion yourself to understand how dangerous smoking. One cause of the difficulty of stopping smoking is you're already addicted to nicotine. But do not be sad, because you know there are some natural drink that can help you to quit smoking because of nutrition in it as the drinks below.

6 This drink stop the desire to smoke

Carrot juice
Diligent drinking carrot juice proved useful to hold your desire to smoke. In addition, carrots are rich in antioxidant substances that can nourish the body as a result of exposure to toxins from cigarettes. In addition to carrot juice, cucumber juice also has the same effect.

Salt water
Did you know that drinking salt water was able to curb the urge to smoke? The researchers found that when you lick the salt is salty, the desire to smoke will disappear.

Drink a cup of milk is very useful to prevent you from taking a cigarette and lit it. Because after you drink milk and you smoke, then there will be a bad taste in your mouth.

Warm water
Whenever the desire to smoke was coming, try to drink warm water. Do not drink tea or coffee warm. For both these drinks will actually increase your desire to smoke.

6 This drink stop the desire to smoke

Orange water
When you are determined to quit smoking, the consumption of orange juice several times a day. Because smoke blocking your body needs vitamin C. Meanwhile, when you drink orange juice, then the desire to smoke will disappear.

Air ginseng
The natural ingredients in the water ginseng can control your desire to smoke. However, health experts recommend that you do not eat more than 2-3 times a month.

Besides drinking potions above, there are the classic way that you can try to stop smoking. The way it is with chewing gum whenever the urge to smoke comes. Good luck!

6 This drink stop the desire to smoke

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

8 Benefits bitter melon for Body Health

Most people really do not like bitter melon. The bitter taste makes pare not included in the list of favorite foods. However, most dieticians, health experts and doctors actually recommend taking pare regularly. The reason, many health benefits contained therein.
There are various ways to consume bitter melon, ranging from making it to cook into a vegetable juice, or even add in soups and salads. Here are eight pare benefits to health that will motivate you to eat more often.

1. Improve the immune system
bitter melon is known to boost the immune system (immune) your body very well. You can boil the water and then pare drinking boiled water on a regular basis to fight various infections and diseases. Pare is very rich in Vitamin C, which is a very powerful antioxidant that can help eliminate free radicals from the body.

2. Treating respiratory disease
For respiratory diseases such as colds, coughs, and even mild asthma, or pare pare raw juice is highly recommended. Make a habit of eating fresh melon juice every morning before breakfast for the best results.

3. Reduce Acne
bitter melon very well to cleanse and detoxify the blood. Including reducing acne and cleanse the body from within. It also may help eliminate skin and blood infections such as boils, scabies, fungal diseases, and the like.

4. Assist in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
bitter melon phytonutrients, polypeptide-P, which contains insulin can lower blood sugar levels. It can also form called charantin hypoglycemic agent that helps the synthesis of glycogen in the blood. This is what can help in the treatment of type 2 diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels.

5. Helps you lose weight
bitter melon known to be rich in antioxidants, is very useful cleaning excess toxins from the body that causes the increase in weight. Eating bitter melon juice on a regular basis has been proven to effectively help in weight loss, to obtain a more slender body and healthier.

6. Sharpen vision
bitter melon contain beta carotene which is very useful to reduce eye infections, also sharpen vision.

7. Reduce constipation
For people who suffer from stomach problems or have a mild problem persists in the intestinal digestion, bitter melon should be included in their diet. The fiber helps digest food and help overcome constipation.

8. Preventing heart disease
bitter melon help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body, which often block the walls of the arteries and cause heart disease. So, eating regularly pare good for disease-free survival and longevity
It's good, forget for a moment the bitter taste of bitter melon and enter this excellent vegetables in your diet. Not only offers health benefits, bitter melon also helps acquire beautiful hair and skin.

Eating bitter melon can give your skin clean and shine-free infection and acne, and really very helpful against hair loss, dry and itchy scalp, and even gray hair.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

This 10 Food Cancer Prevention

Cancer is a scourge that many had feared. Because the disease is considered as one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
But you know, the actual cancer risk can be minimized with a healthy lifestyle, including inducing yourself with positive thoughts and eating healthy foods.
What are healthy foods intended? Here is the list, reported by the Times of India:

Compound indole-3-carbinol contained in cabbage can fight estrogen trigger breast cancer. Indole-3-carbinol can change the harmful effects of estrogen into useful compounds.

Cauliflower is claimed to reduce the risk of bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. Cauliflower helps the body to detoxify, this vegetable also contains useful antioxidants counteract free radicals.

Mushroom is a good food source for vitamin B and iron. Mushrooms are also good to fight diabetes, prevents tumor, fight allergies, stop cholesterol and boost immunity. The antioxidant content in mushrooms can also help to overcome the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Contains sulforaphane compounds that may help prevent the development of tumors. The best part of the broccoli to fight cancer is tunasnya.

Consumption of carrots can fight cancers such as lung cancer, oral cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer.

Sweet potato
The antioxidants in sweet potatoes help fight cancers such as lung cancer, bladder cancer bald, kidney cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer.

Grape seeds contain proanthocyanidins that help fight colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer.

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A, C and E. In addition, the content of the antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. These antioxidants help fight free radicals and cancer cells. Vitamin C also prevents cell damage that can lead to cancer.

Papaya contains beta carotene and lycopene compound that is effective in fighting free radicals.

Garlic can reduce the risk of stomach cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.

Monday, 12 October 2015


Turns jengkol is the miracle fruit to kill cancer cells and 10. 000X stronger than chemotherapy. As known, the tree is known by the sense jengkol jengkol varieties. We can consume fruit Jengkol through how to consume as soon as fresh vegetables, in juice, instant drinks, sorbets, cakes, chips jengkol and others. This sort of thing led to much good, but the most interesting is the resulting effect on cysts and tumors. This fruit is a proven drug against ALL TYPES OF CANCER. Jengkol considered as anti-microbial spectrum of bacterial and fungal infections can be proved from the smell that adikuat. Efficient on internal parasites and worms, interchangeable regulate blood pressure that is too high and useful also as an anti-depressant, combat stress and nervous. A source of interesting information is coming from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world who said that after getting over 20 laboratory tests were done starting since years. 1970, revealed that Jengkol can DESTROY SEL malignant cancer 12 regions including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas. Compounds of this fruit showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a chemotherapy drug, commonly used in the world, slowing the development of cancer cells. As well as even more shocking reply: type therapy with Jengkol extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells. Source »Institute of Health Sciences, Bioscience Research Sweden 819. L. L. C. Cause Street. Spread Efficacy jengkol fruit for our health. Thank goodness for that used to consume jengkol

Monday, 5 October 2015

6 watercress for health benefits

Watercress is a plant rich in minerals. Watercress is also known to have many health benefits derived from the high content of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidant properties. Here are six benefits of watercress to health.1. Breast Cancer
Watercress has phytonutrients that can prevent cancer, especially breast cancer. According to the study, eating at least 80 grams of watercress each day can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Another study also showed that eating watercress can prevent breast cancer recurrence.

2. Heart Health
Watercress proved beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis. Watercress also contains vitamin C which act as antioxidants and help in reducing damage to heart tissue caused by stress.

3. Bone Health
Studies show that calcium reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Watercress is also a source of folate that play a direct role as an interactive nutrition in maintaining bone strength.

4. Good for pregnant women
Folate is very important for the development of a healthy embryo. The content of nutrients in watercress may also help in reducing the risk of diseases such as neural tube deficiencies during pregnancy.

5. Preventing stroke
A study conducted on 662 adults showed that a diet rich in folate may prevent stroke. Watercress is a good source of folate in the body, and you could eat them every day.

6. Colds
A study shows that eating foods rich in vitamin C may reduce the risk of colds by 66 percent. Watercress is a good source of vitamin C to relieve or prevent colds.

Here are six amazing benefits of watercress. You can eat them every day to nourish your body.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Recognize 9 Trigger Migraines

Head that feels like a hammer hit, nausea, or light-sensitive meilhat or blinding sun, the suffering that is felt when a migraine attack would make the body feel weak limp. Worse still, this condition can last for days.
The good news, according to Lee Peterlin, DO, director of research at the Johns Hopkins Headache Center, approximately 76% of migraine sufferers can recognize the triggers that cause attacks of headaches appear.
Stress is a common trigger causes migraine, but there are some other triggers such as weather conditions or the process of digesting food. Dr. Peterlin menyerankan, so that people with migraine triggers and patterns noted, because it could be a combination such as heavy rain, hot sun, food, and work deadlines.
Write down your activities for a full day before the migraine attack and the circumstances surrounding, especially if you suspect one of the trigger may be in the following list.

Working at lunchtime
Skipping lunch is risky for a migraine sufferer. Experts are not sure why, but skip dinner may impact on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that gives orders to the body (regulate the body clock) and fMRI research conducted by stating that the hypothalamus will light up when a person has a migraine attack. The possibility of a drop in blood sugar that becomes the trigger, said Dr. Peterlin. Strive to eat at the same lunch hour every day to prevent migraines.

Too much sleep
You thought that lack of sleep causes headaches, but in fact, too much sleep can make your migraine. Being in bed longer than you normally do will disrupt the rhythm of the biological clock and the brain that are sensitive to migraine can not meneria change in routine. Dr. Peterlin suggested that migraine sufferers go to bed and get up always at the same hour every day, including weekends.

Your holiday
Stress is the biggest trigger the emergence of a migraine attack, but relax after a stressful period it also can trigger migraines, according to a study published in the journal Neurology, 2014.
The fall of the hormone cortisol that may occur at the beginning of the weekend, say, or on the day you start doing a holiday trip. One way to avoid this is to enjoy a small dose of relaxation (such as yoga, enjoy a massage, or walk a short distance) is currently experiencing heavy weeks or months, to prevent the formation of stress.

Sport run
A study conducted in the Headache Center in Atlanta found that of 1,200 patients with migraine, 22% of whom are identified with migraines due to exercise. "But it seems a migraine attack is pain that appears suddenly as a result of excessive physical activity, because regular aerobic actually able to reduce the frequency and pain caused by migraine attacks. Overall, exercise is the best way to keep your body and mind stay healthy, in addition to diet and sleep, "said Dr. Peterlin.

Many were suspicious of food as a cause of migraine and the results have not been proven, but there are data that says that processed foods are the real trigger. Hot dogs, bacon, salami and other snacks of meat that contain nitrates, preservatives that cause blood vessels to dilate and cause headaches. If you feel the cause of migraines is food containing nitrates, immediately and try to avoid eating fresh meat.

The research found nearly 38% of adult migraine sufferers are those who are sensitive to alcohol. Red wine seems is a major cause. A theory is that alcohol causes fluctuations in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates pain, which triggers headaches.

Not drinking enough water
You certainly know that dehydration is bad for the body, but the results of a small study published in the European Journal of Neurology suggest the efficacy of water for the prevention of migraine most qualified.
Those who started to drink more water 6 cups a day experienced less pain than those who took drugs. In two weeks, they were drinking enough water can last from headaches for 21 hours less.

Excess body weight
According to research conducted by Dr. Peterlin, obesity increases your risk of experiencing migraine (episodic) of 81%. Obesity is a chronic state of inflammation (inflammation) and this can be the contribution of the emergence of pain, said Dr. Peterlin again.

Wind, barometric pressure fluctuations, the days were warm, this kind of environment has long been associated with migraine. In 2009, Harvard researchers found the risk of migraine increased to 7.5% with each increase in air temperature of 9 ° above normal temperatures.

Indeed, there is nothing you can do to avoid triggers because of the weather. You can do as possible by watching the weather forecasts broadcast on television and air temperature. For example, if you know tomorrow will take place rain or the scorching heat, you can get ready by taking certain drugs. But for this one, must be carried out with the guidance of a doctor.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Here's What Happens When You Drink Coconut Water In 7 Days

Miraculously, coconut milk and blood plasma in the blood stream of humans has a similar structure. This is evidenced by the use of coconut water as a blood substitute when the war in the past, and in this way saved many human lives.
These days coconut water is used throughout the world, and you can find it in various markets in your neighborhood. May sense the water is no longer fresh, but the power of detoxification and other health benefits of coconut water so no doubt.
What happens when you drink coconut water in 7 Days?
Quoted from the site, coconut water can strengthen your immune system and eliminate the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, gum disease and the virus that causes the flu, infectious diseases and typhoid.
Coconut water can increase energy and the production of thyroid gland hormones. Coconut water acts as a natural diuretic and is very helpful for people who have kidney disease. This will help cleanse the urinary tract and bladder. Efficacious eliminate toxins and help break up kidney stones.
Coconut water contains a high amount of fiber, so it is good for digestion. Consuming coconut water regularly will help eliminate stomach acid.
Because low-fat coconut milk, you can drink it in large quantities. Coconut water will reduce your appetite because after drinking you will feel full, thus indirectly aiding weight loss.
Try cotton or cloth wet with coconut water and place it on the skin if you have acne, oily skin or dry. Coconut water will make the skin clean and fresh, and the pores will be open. Mix the coconut water with olive oil to cleanse the digestive and eliminate intestinal parasites.
Experts claim that coconut water also helps overcome some health problems during pregnancy. With only one cup of coconut water you will balance the electrolyte, so that you will avoid also known as hypertension or high blood pressure.
When people drink too much (drunk) all night, they often have a headache in the morning. Drink coconut water to relieve headaches and replace lost fluids in the body and treat diseases resulting from drunk.
If you want your skin brighter and protected throughout the day, drink a glass of coconut water. If you lose too much energy by exhausting physical activity, you can restore your energy with coconut water. Coconut water will have a positive effect on every part of your body that is tired.
Coconut water kayak in anti-oxidants that help the immune system stronger, increase energy, security of bacteria and infections, weight loss and many other benefits.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Carefully, Fruit Juice Can Be "Junk Food"!

Smoothies or fruit juice can be a friendly snack time want to carry a healthy lifestyle. Through vitamins and minerals, fruits can be a daily nutritional supplement that can support the health of the body. Unfortunately, some of the additives in smoothies often damage the health of the fresh drinks. Of healthy snacks, become junk snack. Here it is additional material that should be avoided.

1. Adding fruit-flavored fat-free yogurt.
Although labeled fat free and is written based natural fruit, fruit-flavored yogurt in fact contains a lot of sugar. Interestingly, not only the sugar that becomes the main suspect who make a glass of juice to be less healthy, but not the fat content in the yogurt.
The reason, a study of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2015 found that a high fat serves to reduce the risk of diabetes could be caused by a product containing lots of sugar. Yes, fat is needed to be able to work together with calcium, protein, and vitamin D in order to prevent diabetes.
Better choice: plain yogurt with a higher protein content than sugar.

2. Adding fruit juice packaging.
Although labeled as natural fruit juices, bottled water or fruit juice turned out to be poor in fiber so it will not be filling. And when mixed with real fruit in a blender, then the properties of the original fruit fiber would be reduced. Coupled with the high amount of carbohydrates and sugar, these drinks will clearly frustrate the mission of someone who is dieting. The count, a glass of apple cider and orange mixture turned out to be equivalent to 3 medium-size sweet chocolate wrappers.
Better choice: green tea without sugar.

3. Add the ice cream.
A glass of fruit juice when coupled with one scoop of ice cream is no longer called health drinks, but a dessert. Calories not much different with one cup of ice cream Sundae.
Better choice: a handful of frozen fruit mixed with plain yogurt will produce a sensation like ice cream, without turning it into a dessert.

4. Using healthy ingredients excess.
Looking for a snack when hungry but did not want a flat stomach are damaged in vain, drinking a glass of juice avocado mixed with peanut butter taste delicious and safe. In fact, good eating too much fat it can backfire for health. Nutritionists advise, one serving of avocado is one fifth of the fruit, while a serving of peanut butter is as much as 2 tablespoons.
A better option: replace the peanut butter with 2 tablespoons of almond butter.

5. Adding a sweetener other than sugar.
Feel guilty add sugar to fruit juices you, eventually the choice fell on 1 tablespoon of natural honey. Indeed feel more healthy, but in reality honey also contains sugar which is quite a lot.
Better choice: take advantage of the fruit with a sweet taste or almond milk to create a more natural sweetness.

6. Based of canned fruit.
Using canned fruit as the main ingredient fruit juice tasted very practical. In fact, in a can of canned fruit are 2 tablespoons of sugar, artificial flavorings, natural fiber that is lost because it is served without the skin, and has lost vitamin because the packaging process. In fact, it could be a shortcut to add fat in the abdomen.
Better choice: freeze your fresh fruits to produce fresh juice.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

8 Food potent toxin remover from In The Body

Detoxification has become a trend for many people and is often done at the end of the week, after Monday to Friday, a healthy diet we often disrupted. Detoxification means cleansing the body of toxic sediments and hazardous chemicals, due to a less healthy diet earlier. Detoxification does not require a complicated process, simply by eating healthy foods that can help clean out toxins and debris in the body. Here are eight foods that you can prepare now to detox at the end of next week.

1. Avocado
Avocados are very rich in antioxidants, one of which glutathione. Alpukatd can cleanse the body by removing toxic chemicals out of the body. Thus, the body feel more healthy and fresh.

2. Cranberry
This fruit is good for preventing urinary tract infections and get rid of toxins that settles and is antibacterial.

3. Cabbage
According to the Food Fermentation Laboratory, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina State University, cabbage laden with sulfur are important to help get rid of pesticides and drug residues, which can be dangerous if it settles in the body.

4. Lemon
Lemon is a fruit rich in benefits. Can be used for drinks or a feeling of water can add a flavor. Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants that can protect the liver and cleanse harmful chemical substances. Consumption of lemon every day will improve your health status.

5. Broccoli
If you do not like broccoli, you should try it once again. Broccoli is full of antioxidants which can cleanse your body. Too high an enzyme that can help your digestive system work efficiently. Raw broccoli is the best because it is still full of nutrients, have not been reduced because the heating process.

6. Garlic
Such as cabbage, garlic is also rich in sulfur to cleanse the body from within. Garlic also has antibiotic properties that can help cure inflammation. There are many advantages if you eat garlic regularly. Now on the market already exists garlic supplements. Fresh garlic but still the best.

7. Tangerines
In the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2013 mentioned that, the fruit that has a name in English grapefruit may help cleanse the digestive system and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Tangerines are also low in calories, so it must be good for your diet.

8. Sunflower seeds
This is a snack that is really healthy, because it is able to detoxify the liver making it more healthy. Sunflower seeds also can get rid of harmful toxins circulating in the body. Plus, it can prevent the buildup of cholesterol that harm the heart and blood vessels

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Artemisinin is a plant derived from the wormwood plant (Artemisia annua)

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Based on the results of a study published Life Science plant is said in less than 16 hours was able to kill 98 percent of breast cancer cells. This plant has been used in Chinese medicine.

If only consumed without mixtures of other materials, the plant is only lowers breast cells by 98 percent, but when combined with apsiuntus plant will have properties that are able to eliminate almost entirely of cancer cells from the body.

This plant in the past used as a drug that can cure malaria. But now the plant is also proven to be effectively able to fight cancer cells. This plant is known by the scientific name of Artemisinin.

Artemisinin is a plant derived from the wormwood plant (Artemisia annua). There have been many studies that prove that this plant can cure the disease effectively. China has been for thousands of years using plant extracts to treat diseases malria.

This Termuan first been suggested by The bioengineers Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the University of Washington, Seattle. They are doing related research has been proven to make cancer cells will undergo apoptosis (self-destruct).

Now it is difficult to get the plant extract is very low. But along with the benefits offered by these plants pn community slowly began menrima price of this plant.

Along with the increasing demand for these plant extracts pharmaceutical manufacturers France "Sanofi" every year trying to produce about 50-60 tons of artemisinin, it is expected that number will be able to meet the high demand of the world market.

Friday, 21 August 2015


White turmeric benefits become one of traditional medicinal plants used many people to overcome various health problems. Unlike white turmeric with yellow turmeric is commonly encountered, because it is rather rare these plants used for seasoning cooking.

White turmeric is a kind of tuber that annual fruit with round and white rhizomes almost like kencur. Quoted from page, White Turmeric Here For Medical Benefits. White turmeric is able to treat a variety of complaints disease, following treatment with turmeric white recipe: Treating ulcer disease - symptoms of ulcer disease occurs due to irregular eating patterns and eating foods that trigger too much stomach acid. It helps us to treat it with white turmeric so that the disease does not get worse.

The trick, white turmeric cleaned and cut into pieces. Then boiled with 500 cc of water, boil until the water a half. Strain the mixture then refrigerate. Drink while warm with honey added. Drink 2 times a day, a dose of 50 cc at a time. Preventing breast cancer - In addition to cervical cancer, symptoms of breast cancer is feared by women, to reduce the occurrence of this cancer resikon can make a potion with white turmeric benefits.

How: white turmeric and some other materials such as taro white wash and cut into pieces. Boil the water as much as 4 glasses, wait until the half. Strain and let cool, then drink with a mixture of natural honey for sweetener. Then Substances What Are Contained In White Turmeric?
As one of the herbs, turmeric indeed ESEP putihdigunakan as traditional medicine for a variety of herbs for herbal medicine.

Indeed, the resulting flavor of herbs such as kencur benefit or benefits of ginger is very bad, but it has good properties for the body are stored in the womb. White turmeric contains essential minyat were also present on the benefits of Moringa leaves.

In addition to the research done, it turns white manfaatkunyit mangandung a number of substances that are able to control the symptoms of cancer because it is able to withstand the inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the body. White turmeric can also be overcome white to avoid the occurrence of more serious problems such as symptoms of cervical cancer.

White Turmeric Side Effects
Although white turmeric is an herb that has been widely consumed, but at least there are some side effects to their use as follows:
White turmeric can be obtained by various forms of either liquid or capsule. Too much consumption of turmeric may cause damage to white blood cells and red blood cells. this case continuously can damage red blood cells such as anemia.

One possible while consuming a white turmeric is a drop in blood sugar. But it must watch out because if consumed in excess, sugar can drop dramatically. This condition can occur, called hypoglycemia, or the condition of the body is deprived of blood sugar.

In addition to the treatment of herbs often used for beauty treatments, as well as white turmeric. However, white turmeric bit dangerous for those who have sensitive skin because of the use on the skin are constantly can irritate the skin.

Although white turmeric is often used as an alternative treatment, but may decrease the effectiveness of medical drugs when used simultaneously. So it took a doctor's supervision if you want to consume.

For pregnant and lactating mothers also need to avoid the use of white turmeric directly (eaten). Because the content of the white substance in turmeric may harm the fetus and cause miscarriage and disorders major usu.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

BE careful with FOOD & BEVERAGE CAN !!!!!!

Do not deleted this message before continuing to the other ..

On Sunday Single Family picnic with a few cans of minuman.Pada Monday, two family members were taken to the hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit room.

He died on Wednesday. The autopsy concluded he was exposed to leptospirosis. It was traced to the canned beverages they drink, without the use of glasses. Tests showed the can was infected rat urine containing dried leptospira.

Highly recommended to rinse evenly the top of all beverage cans before drinking. Cans are usually stored in the warehouse and delivered directly to stores without cleaning. A study showed that the top of all beverage cans more contaminated than public toilets (full of germs and bacteria.)

So, clean them with water before putting it into his mouth to avoid any kind of fatal accident. Please forward this message to all the people we love

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Heart Drug formula

Heart Drug formula Prof. Dr. S. Vikineswary, Biotech Division Institute of Biological Sciences University of Malaysia. 50 603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Bypass prescribe heart, cholesterol / high blood ... Can be overcome dg simple and easy manner made his own,
useful to dilate blood vessels / Vena heart.
When a prescription is forwarded to a group of academics BB UI turns the wearer especially academics UI has proven efficacy
(Need not ring pairs) drank 2 bottles for 3 months:
- Running without tired / fatigued
- Chest pain left if tired also missing. now ill need surgery Angioplasty / Bypass ...
The TSB is the recipe:
1 cup cider / water Lemon dr 1.5 kg.
1 cup cider / water Ginger dr 1 / 2kg.
1 cup cider / water Garlic dr 1 / 2kg.
1 cup apple vinegar.
How to process:
»Lemon squeezed.
»Garlic blended add a glass of water.
»Ginger blended add a glass of water.
»Apple vinegar. (Instead of apple vinegar for cooking) but vinegar to drink yes.
* Mix together and simmer over low heat until boiling, stirring with stirring.
* Usually about half an hour, to be 3 cups.
* Then in Strain and allow to cool
* Later Once cool, add 6 cups of natural honey (2 large bottles),
stir until smooth and store in a glass jar Plastic bottles do not dg. After that, store in the refrigerator.
Suggested use:
* Take one tablespoon every morning before breakfast.
* Now no longer need surgery Angioplasty / Bypass ... heart.
(*) Please save this recipe in ya. And this recipe is forwarded to anyone, where out there who require this recipe.
May be useful for many people, Heart Drug formula