Saturday, 12 September 2015

8 Food potent toxin remover from In The Body

Detoxification has become a trend for many people and is often done at the end of the week, after Monday to Friday, a healthy diet we often disrupted. Detoxification means cleansing the body of toxic sediments and hazardous chemicals, due to a less healthy diet earlier. Detoxification does not require a complicated process, simply by eating healthy foods that can help clean out toxins and debris in the body. Here are eight foods that you can prepare now to detox at the end of next week.

1. Avocado
Avocados are very rich in antioxidants, one of which glutathione. Alpukatd can cleanse the body by removing toxic chemicals out of the body. Thus, the body feel more healthy and fresh.

2. Cranberry
This fruit is good for preventing urinary tract infections and get rid of toxins that settles and is antibacterial.

3. Cabbage
According to the Food Fermentation Laboratory, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina State University, cabbage laden with sulfur are important to help get rid of pesticides and drug residues, which can be dangerous if it settles in the body.

4. Lemon
Lemon is a fruit rich in benefits. Can be used for drinks or a feeling of water can add a flavor. Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants that can protect the liver and cleanse harmful chemical substances. Consumption of lemon every day will improve your health status.

5. Broccoli
If you do not like broccoli, you should try it once again. Broccoli is full of antioxidants which can cleanse your body. Too high an enzyme that can help your digestive system work efficiently. Raw broccoli is the best because it is still full of nutrients, have not been reduced because the heating process.

6. Garlic
Such as cabbage, garlic is also rich in sulfur to cleanse the body from within. Garlic also has antibiotic properties that can help cure inflammation. There are many advantages if you eat garlic regularly. Now on the market already exists garlic supplements. Fresh garlic but still the best.

7. Tangerines
In the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2013 mentioned that, the fruit that has a name in English grapefruit may help cleanse the digestive system and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Tangerines are also low in calories, so it must be good for your diet.

8. Sunflower seeds
This is a snack that is really healthy, because it is able to detoxify the liver making it more healthy. Sunflower seeds also can get rid of harmful toxins circulating in the body. Plus, it can prevent the buildup of cholesterol that harm the heart and blood vessels

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