Friday, 21 August 2015


White turmeric benefits become one of traditional medicinal plants used many people to overcome various health problems. Unlike white turmeric with yellow turmeric is commonly encountered, because it is rather rare these plants used for seasoning cooking.

White turmeric is a kind of tuber that annual fruit with round and white rhizomes almost like kencur. Quoted from page, White Turmeric Here For Medical Benefits. White turmeric is able to treat a variety of complaints disease, following treatment with turmeric white recipe: Treating ulcer disease - symptoms of ulcer disease occurs due to irregular eating patterns and eating foods that trigger too much stomach acid. It helps us to treat it with white turmeric so that the disease does not get worse.

The trick, white turmeric cleaned and cut into pieces. Then boiled with 500 cc of water, boil until the water a half. Strain the mixture then refrigerate. Drink while warm with honey added. Drink 2 times a day, a dose of 50 cc at a time. Preventing breast cancer - In addition to cervical cancer, symptoms of breast cancer is feared by women, to reduce the occurrence of this cancer resikon can make a potion with white turmeric benefits.

How: white turmeric and some other materials such as taro white wash and cut into pieces. Boil the water as much as 4 glasses, wait until the half. Strain and let cool, then drink with a mixture of natural honey for sweetener. Then Substances What Are Contained In White Turmeric?
As one of the herbs, turmeric indeed ESEP putihdigunakan as traditional medicine for a variety of herbs for herbal medicine.

Indeed, the resulting flavor of herbs such as kencur benefit or benefits of ginger is very bad, but it has good properties for the body are stored in the womb. White turmeric contains essential minyat were also present on the benefits of Moringa leaves.

In addition to the research done, it turns white manfaatkunyit mangandung a number of substances that are able to control the symptoms of cancer because it is able to withstand the inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the body. White turmeric can also be overcome white to avoid the occurrence of more serious problems such as symptoms of cervical cancer.

White Turmeric Side Effects
Although white turmeric is an herb that has been widely consumed, but at least there are some side effects to their use as follows:
White turmeric can be obtained by various forms of either liquid or capsule. Too much consumption of turmeric may cause damage to white blood cells and red blood cells. this case continuously can damage red blood cells such as anemia.

One possible while consuming a white turmeric is a drop in blood sugar. But it must watch out because if consumed in excess, sugar can drop dramatically. This condition can occur, called hypoglycemia, or the condition of the body is deprived of blood sugar.

In addition to the treatment of herbs often used for beauty treatments, as well as white turmeric. However, white turmeric bit dangerous for those who have sensitive skin because of the use on the skin are constantly can irritate the skin.

Although white turmeric is often used as an alternative treatment, but may decrease the effectiveness of medical drugs when used simultaneously. So it took a doctor's supervision if you want to consume.

For pregnant and lactating mothers also need to avoid the use of white turmeric directly (eaten). Because the content of the white substance in turmeric may harm the fetus and cause miscarriage and disorders major usu.

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