Friday, 9 October 2015

One day the Prophet met his daughter Fatimah Az-Zahra who was grinding poem (a type of rice plants) using a grinding stone in tears.

Seeing her cry, the Prophet asked, "What causes you to cry, O Fatimah? May Allah not cause your eyes to cry. "

Fatimah said, "O Father, milling and-urasan household affairs which caused me to cry, presumably the father willing to ask Ali (husband of Fatimah) to find a perpetual (helper) for membatuku grind and take care of the jobs at home?"

Then the Prophet got up and approached the mill while saying, "Bismillahir rahmaanir raheem." With the permission of Allah, grinding it rotates without moving while saying the rosary to God in various languages ​​so that the granules are finished the poem.

After that, the Prophet came and said to the mill, "Stop spinning with the permission of Allah. Then it stops spinning mill and said, "O Messenger of Allah, if you say to grind poetry of masyriq until maghrib servant undoubtedly will grind until they run everything. Indeed, the servant had heard the word of Allah, which reads in QS. At-Tahrim [66]: 6

يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا وقودها الناس والحجارة عليها ملائكة غلاظ شداد لا يعصون الله ما أمرهم ويفعلون ما يؤمرون

Meaning: "O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones; the guardian angels of the rough, tough, who do not disobey Allah in what He commanded them and always do what they're told. "(Qs. At-Tahrim (66): 6)

After melantukan the verse, grinding it said, "O Prophet's servant so afraid of being stone to fuel the fires of hell in the future."

Prophet Muhammad said to the mill, "Cheer up, because you are one of rock mahligai Fatimah Az-Zahra who is in heaven". Upon hearing the news, the milling silent as usual.

Then the Prophet gives advice to his daughter,

O Fatimah, any woman who grind flour for her husband and her children, then Allah will write a favor and raise the rank of each seed, ground wheat.
O Fatima, a woman who grind the wheat until he sweats, then Allah will keep him out of hell seven trenches.
O Fatima, a woman who anointed his hair and then comb their hair and wash clothes, surely Allah will record the reward him like people who feed a thousand people were hungry and clothe the naked thousand people.
O Fatima, a woman who is blocking urination neighbor, then Allah will deter drinking lake water Kawthar on the Day of Judgment.
O Fatimah, know the main thing is that ridla husband is to please Allah and husband anger is anger of Allah.
O Fatimah, a pregnant woman to be listed goodness and evil eliminated from him and the angels will istighfar him.
O Fatima, a woman who was about to give birth to her son, Allah will record it as a reward as those who strive in the cause of Allah.
O Fatima, a woman has given birth to her son, then he is free from sin as a state at the birth by his mother. And if he dies not bear the slightest sin to his grave into a garden paradise for himself.
O Fatima, a woman who served him day and night with a good, gentle and sincere then Allah will forgive their sins and will eventually wear green in heaven and give kindness every strand of fur and hair on his body.
O Fatima, a woman who smiled sweetly and softly before her husband would be seen Allah with full view of grace.
O Fatima, a woman who prepares resting place for her husband and keep house with a good-natured and patient, then the angels will be called, "Keep doing a good deed, Allah. will forgive your sins that have past and future. "
O Fatima, a woman who anointed her hair and beard, cut his mustache, and mengguntingkan nails, then Allah will give him a drink from the rivers of Paradise and Allah facilitate the killer's door and then find the grave like the gardens of paradise. Moreover, Allah will save him from the Fire and selamatlah it from catwalk Shirat.
It Prophet noble example, soft-spoken, spirited knight. He always gives helpful advice, encouraging her daughter who was tired, exemplifies privilege pious woman

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