Tuesday, 28 October 2014


We already know that Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih was chosen leaders. He who has freed Constantinople. In fact, the scholars believe, he and his men are referred to the hadith "ni'mal amiiru amiiruhaa fa, wa ni'mal jaisy dzaalikal jaisy" (best of the leader is the leader of the conqueror of Constantinople, and the best of the troops are troops).

But do we, Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih been sued in court by a Roman, who then qadhi sentenced her hands cut off? Here's her story ...

After conquering Constantinople, Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih asked for a mosque in the city he calls Islambul it. He commissioned Iblasanti, a Roman architect, to lead its development. Iblasanti known as the great architect of the time.

Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih ordered that the pillars of the mosque are decorated with marble, with a certain height so that the mosque looks solid. Al Fatih has given the size of it clearly, but Iblasanti reduce the height of the pillars. Al Fatih also angry over Iblasanti action. For breach of it, cutting off hands Iblasanti punished.

Al Fatih later regretted his decision. But too late, Iblasanti hand had been cut.

Iblasanti who did not receive the punishment was then filed a lawsuit to Islambul Qadi, Sheikh Khidr Shari Jalabi. Cleric is known fair and brave.

Long story short, the lawsuit Iblasanti granted. Was organized by calling the court of Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih. Al Fatih also lightly step to come to court. He was obedient to the laws of Islam that does not distinguish the caliph or the people.

Iblasanti submit his complaint as he described what happened. When Al Fatih given a chance to speak, he corrected Iblasanti story.

After listening to both, Shari Sheikh Khidr Jalabi paused. Then, in a firm tone he read his decision. "In accordance with Shari'a law, Muhammad Al Fatih hand should be cut for the sake of carrying out the law of Qisas."

Al Fatih seemed not surprised by the verdict, because he understood the Qisas in Islam. But not so with Iblasanti. He was sweating, his face pale. With a nervous tone he quickly interjected, "O Qadi, I do not think if you are going to impose punishment of hand amputation. Actually, that's not what I meant. Therefore, I pulled my suit. "

Iblasanti never thought that would be as powerful as the Islamic courts. He never imagined that a court could impose severe punishment to the leaders of the country.

"So, what do you want?"
"I mean this is coming to court, I want compensation. Because I was not able to work as usual, I'm demanding a living to Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih. "

The court then decides Muhammad Al Fatih obliged to give him 10 coins per day. However, Muhammad Al Fatih doubling the living. He gives 20 coins per day to Iblasanti.

That portrait of Islamic justice. Under conditions of law-abiding leaders, are equal before the law, and justice courts indiscriminately, Islam became fast expanding. Residents Constantinople flocked to Islam, and unbelievers were reluctant to respect-Islam and the Muslims.

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